My name is Erna Nina, an American who studied in Guangzhou, China. As one of the largest production bases for high imitation replica bags, Guangzhou, during these years of studying in Guangzhou, I have been exposed to various quality products.As a blogger, reviews various replicas and websites I have purchased from over the years, and shares some reliable sources of replicas suppliers.
When I stepped into the dark side of high imitation bags, I had zero guidance on where to buy, how to buy, what to buy, or how to choose a good knockoff bag, so I literally shopped blindfolded and made a lot of big purchases Mistakes along the way. I’ve been disappointed, scammed, and surprised by what I’ve found over the years, and believe I’ve gained some strong expertise in the field of replica bags (I never thought I’d know so much about fakes) bags.
Why buy fake bags?
Nowadays, high imitation bags are not uncommon around us. Strictly speaking, they seem to be a bit more than actual bags. Why do many women like to use high imitation bags? There are also reasons for using high imitation bags.
Needless to say, we all know the first advantage, which is the cheap price. High imitation bags are many times cheaper than genuine bags. Even if you buy a good quality bag, you can buy it for less than half the price of a genuine bag. And the quality of bags in specialty stores seems to be comparable. The bags carried by the dazzling superstars on the official websites of big brands can be found in high imitation bag stores. An ordinary little girl can also carry the latest bag to compete with celebrities, and the appearance of the bag looks the same as the original one, but the price is much cheaper.
Real luxury bags are too expensive, and fake ones are too cheap and lackluster. Many people choose to buy high imitation bags, but will people recognize the high imitation bags given by friends at a glance? In fact, it is impossible for non-professionals to spot high-quality imitations at a glance. Even professionals who don’t study and compare carefully still can’t tell the authenticity. For example, some of the more classic best-selling models are now very realistic, and some people even can’t tell them apart when comparing them at the counter!
Why create this blog?
As I mentioned before, buying imitation brands is a place with zero guidance. Many times, you will waste a lot of money but do not buy the quality of the high imitation bags you want. I have wasted a lot of money on this. Therefore, this blog was created to share some knowledge and purchasing experience related to imitation brand bags, share some of my gains, and also to cater to those special groups with such needs, communicate and share with each other.
How can I contact you?
Before contacting me, I recommend that you read the website carefully. The blog will share a lot of information related to imitation brand bags. But if you’re craving more, or have any personal questions, feel free to email me!